Datta Bavani


Glory to Yogeshwar Datta Digambar;
Thou art our protector and savior;
Sage Atri and chaste Anusuya were mere cause;
Thy incarnation is for welfare of the Universe;
Thou are Brahma_vishnu_shiva's incarnation;
Redeemer for those who surrender with devotion;
Thou art God, knowledge, existence and bliss;
Thou are glorious sadguru with majestic arms;
Thy hands hold Zoli like Annapurna's benevolence;
Holy kamandal in thy hands radiates with peace;
Described as God with Four, six and numerous hands;
Thy powerful shoulder's might limits to infinite;
Oh! God! I've taken refuge at they holy feet;
Digambara! Protect me lest better meet my end;
Thou responded to Sahasrarjun's penance;
By granting him protection and peace;
Thou showered him power, wealth, and opulence;
Blessed him with liberation and deliverance;
Why don't you listen to my agonizing prayer?
Thou art my only solace and savior!
Thou accepted Vishnu Sharma's devotion;
Graced him by taking his food-Shraddhman;
Jambadhaitya demon attacked Gods of heaven;
Thou offered help in a trice with protection;
Thou unfurled illusive power to trap the demon;
Got him killed by Indra to save the heaven;
Thy miraculous deeds are infinite, oh! Sharva (Shiva)
How can I described your miracles (sarva)
Thou saved Ayu'son and wiped his miseries;
Blessed and Granted him a life free of desires!
Sadhyadev, yadu, Prahlad and Parshuram;
Thou initiated them to enlightenment and wisdom;
Thy grace is immeasurable and endless;
Why my calls and prayers are answerless?
Don't leave me halfway and test my patience;
Oh! God! Don't deprive me of your benevolence;
Pleased with Ambika's Love and devotion;
Thou granted her a boon and became her son;
Smarthugami! Savior and Protector in kaliyug!
Thou blessed the washer man who was rustic;
Thy mercy cured a Brahmin's Stomach pain;
Thy grace made Vallabesh alive after his slain;
Look at me at least once! Oh! My Lord!
Save Me! Am ignorant of any other abode!
Thy grace made dry log of wood Sprout with leaves;
Don't be negligent towards me and test my cries!;
Old, pious Ganga got rid of her infertility;
Thou blessed her with bliss of maternity;
Thy grace cured Nandi's white patches;
Thou fulfilled all his wishes and desires;
Thou made sterile buffalo yield tons of milk;
Thy kindness saved him from penurious brink;
Thou accepted lima beans as alms;
Thou gifted a golden pot in his arms;
Thou revived Savitri's dead husband to life;
Thus wiped widow's tears and strife;
Thou resurrected Gangadhar'son with life;
Thy mercy removes sins of previous life;
Haughty madhonmat lost to an illiterate;
Bhakta Trivikrama was saved by thy might;
Bhakta tantuk reached Mount Shrishaila;
Thy feet took him in a trice to Mahadeva;
Thou blessed thy devotees taking eight forms;
Thou have infinite form and no form;
Thou satisfied thy devotees simultaneously;
Blest devotees cherished thy vision joyously;
Thou removed yavan king's painful affliction;
Thou art beyond caste, creed, sect and religion;
Thy miracles are marvelous and countless;
In the incarnations of Ram and Krishna;
Thou revived and saved animate and inanimate;
Blest were stone, hunter, cattle, woman, and bird saved;
Thy name protects even a sinner who sings falsely;
Thy name achieves even a difficult task easily;
Thy name (Shiva) is the only remedy;
Thy name removes all (sarva) (physical and mental) malady;
All evils vanish in a trice on hearing thy name;
Bliss is attained by only singing thy name;
Ghosts, witches, evil will disappear instantly;
As the hymns of thy name is in air reverberantly;
One who sings Datta Bavani after lighting incense;
Is assured of protection by thy resplendence;
Sincere devotion to thee will bring happiness;
Earthly life and heaven will be filed with bliss;
By chanting Datta Bavani he will master siddhi;
Gain prosperity, will overcome sorrow and poverty;
One who sings Datta Bavani 52 times for 52 weeks;
With true love, faith and devotion on 52 Thursdays;
Can be certain Yama, Lord of death will not punish;
One who sings daily will get all calamities vanish;
Datta Digambar is One God but of many forms;
Thou stir us away from illusive power of storm;
Datta is one God with thousand names;
Datta is the holiest of holy, bright as flame;
Oh! Dhatta! I bow to thee time and again;
Vedas are formed from thy holy breath;
Learned Shesha is unable to praise thee fully;
How can an illiterate like me praise thee?
Prayers to thee give me peace and happiness;
Souls ignorant about thee are in darkness;
Datta! Thou art Lord God! Thou art Almighty;
Recite Glory to Gurudeva Datta Whole heartedly;

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