Shri Sai Chalisa

Sai Baba Image

Bow to Lord Sai with faith and patience;
Thy grace will remove ignorance.
Blest are the grass, soil and dust of Shirdi;
By the touch of Sai, they became pure and holy;
Thou manifested under the neem tree;
Thy incarnation was the mission of mercy;
Oh! Sai! Thy grace and power are infinite;
Thy grace guides us beacon light;
Thy seat made neem leaves So Sweet;
Thy peaceful radiant face is a visual treat;
Thou descended on earth as a body of sixteen;
Holy and handsome, merciful face of thine;
Thy radiant, bright, lustrous face;
Gives us hope to cross the worldly maze;
Thy grace holds the goddess of wealth;
Thy love blesses the sick with health;
The words thy mouth utter are pure nectar;
No one knew thy religion, mother or father;
Let our Heart be blessed as thy Holy seat;
Let our Heads be sheltered at thy Holy feet;
Thy loving and merciful looks endear all;
Rich, poor, healthy, sick, one and all;
Lord Sai begging with tin pot and Zoli;
Offerings to thine made the donors so holy;
Oh Sai! Thou art Lord Datta! Thou art Lord Shiva;
Thou art Lord Ram; Pir Avalia and Lord Shyam;
Thou art Repository of Wisdom;
Whole Universe is thy Kingdom;
As One wishes and prays intently;
Thou shower him blessings lovingly;
Thy Name has infinite strength and power;
Thy Name removes anxiety, distress and fear;
Thou art savior of poor and helpless;
Thy wonderful miracles and leelas are endless;
Thou taught us love and equality;
Thou are symbol of peace and Unity;
Thy feet remove the hatred of caste and creed;
Thy devotees overcome anger, jealous and greed;
Thy preachings are pearls of knowledge;
Ram and Rahim are One was thy message;
Thy grace gives the diseased good health;
Thy blessings removes sins of all birth;
Merciful Sai helped the poor and helpless;
Sacred Udi is the most efficacious;
Thy merciful look purifies our body and mind;
Sins burnt away by the God so kind;
Oh! Lord Sai! Thou are Antaryami!
We don't have anyone except thee!
Thou have no caste, sect, and religion;
Spreading love and humanity were thy mission;
Thou are protector of a simple devotee;
Thy spirit stands by him during calamity;
Thy name removes miseries and pain;
Thy name showers happiness rain;
Thy name gives us immense pleasure;
Thy Holy feet is our precious treasure;
Whoever observes 9 (nine) Thursdays vow;
Thy grace removes all his pain and sorrow;
Meditate Sai's name with faith day and night;
Sai will wipe our pain and relive us from plight:
Long Robe adorned Holy mendicant;
Uplifting the poor was mission of noble saint;
The Sweetness of thy words surpasses ambrosia;
Thy sacred udi is a wonderful panacea;
Thou art Spiritual Quintessence;
Devotion to thy feet renders deliverance;
Thy marvelous act of turning water into oil;
Spread thy fame as an aromatic pastille;
Thy words taught us not to be greedy;
To be kind and loving to helpless and needy;
Thy glory and power art infinity;
Thou art Trinity and Absolute Reality;
Thy name renders salvation;
Thy grace wards off consternation;
Thou are our Guru, guide and Helmsman;
The only One who ferry us over worldly ocean;
Utterance of thy Holy name is the only way;
To keep troubles and sorrows at bay;

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